Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import amalgam.amalgams as am
from amalgam.primordials.utils import make_function

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from amalgam.environment import Environment
    from amalgam.primordials.utils import Store

IO_Store: Store = {}

[docs]@make_function(IO_Store, "print") def _print(env: Environment, amalgam: am.Amalgam) -> am.Amalgam: """Prints the provided :data:`amalgam` and returns it.""" print(amalgam) return amalgam
[docs]@make_function(IO_Store, "putstrln") def _putstrln(env: Environment, string: am.String) -> am.String: """Prints the provided :data:`string` and returns it.""" if not isinstance(string, am.String): raise TypeError("putstrln only accepts a string") print(string.value) return string
[docs]@make_function(IO_Store, "exit") def _exit(env: Environment, exit_code: am.Numeric = am.Numeric(0)) -> am.Amalgam: """Exits the program with the given :data:`exit_code`.""" print("Goodbye.") sys.exit(int(exit_code.value))