Source code for amalgam.engine

from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession

import amalgam.amalgams as am
import amalgam.environment as ev
import amalgam.primordials as pd
import amalgam.parser as pr

[docs]class Engine: """ Class that serves as the frontend for parsing and running programs. Attributes: parser (:class:`.parser.Parser`): A :class:`.parser.Parser` instance. environment (:class:`.environment.Environment`): An :class:`.environment.Environment` instance containing the built-in functions and a reference to the :class:`.engine.Engine` instance wrapped within a :class:`.amalgams.Internal`, accessible through the `~engine~` key. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.parser = pr.Parser() self.environment = ev.Environment( {**pd.FUNCTIONS, "~engine~": am.Internal(self)} )
[docs] def repl(self, *, prompt: str = "> ", prompt_cont: str = "| ") -> None: """ Runs a REPL session that supports multi-line input. Parameters: prompt (:class:`str`): The style of the prompt on regular lines. prompt_cont (:class:`str`): The style of the prompt on continued lines. """ cont = False session: PromptSession = PromptSession() while True: try: text = session.prompt(prompt if not cont else prompt_cont) if cont: text = "\n" + text expr = self.parser.repl_parse(text) if expr is not None: print(expr.evaluate(self.environment)) cont = False else: cont = True except EOFError: pd._exit(self.environment) except Exception as e: if cont: cont = False print(f"{e.__class__.__qualname__}: {e}")
[docs] def parse_and_run(self, text: str) -> am.Amalgam: """Parses and runs the given `text` string.""" return self.parser.parse(text).evaluate(self.environment)