Source code for amalgam.environment

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import (

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from amalgam.amalgams import Amalgam

    Bindings = Mapping[str, Amalgam]

[docs]class SymbolNotFound(Exception): """Synonym for :class:`KeyError`."""
[docs]class TopLevelPop(Exception): """Raised at :meth:`Environment.env_pop`."""
[docs]class Environment: """ Class that manages and represents nested execution environments. Attributes: bindings (:class:`Dict[str, Amalgam]`): A mapping of :class:`str` keys to :class:`.amalgams.Amalgam` values. parent (:class:`Optional[Environment]`): The parent :class:`Environment` instance to search into, forming a linked list. level (:class:`int`): The current length of the :class:`Environment` linked list. If a :attr:`~.Environment.parent` is provided, sets the current value to the parent's :attr:`~.Environment.level` + 1. search_depth (:class:`int`): The search depth when traversing the :class:`Environment` linked list in the :meth:`~.Environment.__contains__`, :meth:`~.Environment.__delitem__`, :meth:`~.Environment.__getitem__`, and :meth:`~.Environment.__setitem__` methods. """ def __init__( self, bindings: Bindings = None, parent: Environment = None, ) -> None: self.bindings: Dict[str, Amalgam] = {**bindings} if bindings else {} self.parent: Optional[Environment] = parent self.level: int = parent.level + 1 if parent else 0 self.search_depth: int = 0
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Amalgam: """ Attempts to recursively obtain the provided `item`. Searches with respect to the current :attr:`search_depth` of the calling :class:`Environment` instance. If an existing `item` is encountered at a certain depth less than the target depth, returns that `item`, otherwise, raises :class:`SymbolNotFound`. """ _self = self if self.search_depth >= 0: depth = self.search_depth + 1 else: depth = self.level + 1 # Search until the top-most environment, # raise SymbolNotFound otherwise. for _ in range(depth): try: return _self.bindings[item] except KeyError: _self = cast(Environment, _self.parent) else: raise SymbolNotFound(item)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, item: str, value: Amalgam) -> None: """ Attempts to recursively set the provided `value` to an `item`. Searches with respect to the current :attr:`search_depth` of the calling :class:`Environment` instance. If an existing `item` is encountered at a certain depth less than the target depth, overrides that `item` instead. """ _self = self if self.search_depth >= 0: depth = self.search_depth else: depth = self.level # Search until the second-to-last environment, # set at the top-most environment otherwise. for _ in range(depth): if item in _self.bindings: _self.bindings[item] = value break else: _self = cast(Environment, _self.parent) else: _self.bindings[item] = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, item: str) -> None: """ Attempts to recursively delete the provided `item`. Searches with respect to the current :attr:`search_depth` of the calling :class:`Environment` instance. If an existing `item` is encountered at a certain depth less than the target depth, deletes that `item` instead. """ _self = self if self.search_depth >= 0: depth = self.search_depth + 1 else: depth = self.level + 1 # Search until the top-most environment, # raise SymbolNotFound otherwise. for _ in range(depth): try: del _self.bindings[item] break except KeyError: _self = cast(Environment, _self.parent) else: raise SymbolNotFound(item)
[docs] def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: """ Recursively checks whether an `item` exists. Searches with respect to the current :attr:`search_depth` of the calling :class:`Environment` instance. If the target `item` is encountered at a certain depth less than the target depth, immediately returns `True`, otherwise, returns `False`. """ _self = self if self.search_depth >= 0: depth = self.search_depth + 1 else: depth = self.level + 1 # Search until an `item` is found, # return False otherwise for _ in range(depth): if item in _self.bindings: return True else: _self = cast(Environment, _self.parent) else: return False
[docs] @contextmanager def search_at(self, *, depth=0): """ Context manager for temporarily setting the lookup depth. The provided `depth` argument must not exceed the :attr:`level` of the calling :class:`Environment` instance, and will raise a :class:`ValueError` if done so. >>> env = Environment(FUNCTIONS) >>> >>> with env.search_at(depth=42): ... env["+"] # Raises ValueError Any negative integer can be passed as a `depth` to signify an infinite lookup until the top-most environment. >>> env = Environment(FUNCTIONS) >>> cl_env = env.env_push({...}) >>> >>> with cl_env.search_at(depth=-1): ... cl_env["+"] # Searches `env` """ if depth > self.level: exc = ValueError( f"depth {depth} is greater than maximum level {self.level}" ) raise exc self.search_depth = depth try: yield self finally: self.search_depth = 0
[docs] def env_push(self, bindings: Bindings = None) -> Environment: """ Creates a new :class:`Environment` and binds the calling instance as its parent environment. """ return Environment(bindings, self)
[docs] def env_pop(self) -> Environment: """ Discards the current :class:`Environment` and returns the parent :class:`Environment`. """ if self.parent is not None: return self.parent else: raise TopLevelPop("cannot discard top-level Environment")