Source code for amalgam.parser

from fractions import Fraction
import importlib.resources as resources
from io import StringIO
import re
from typing import cast, Optional

from lark import v_args, Lark, Token, Transformer, UnexpectedInput

import amalgam.amalgams as am

GRAMMAR = resources.read_text(__package__, "grammar.lark")

[docs]@v_args(inline=True) class Expression(Transformer): """ Transforms expressions in text into their respective :class:`.amalgams.Amalgam` representations. """
[docs] def symbol(self, identifier: Token) -> am.Symbol: return am.Symbol(str(identifier))
[docs] def atom(self, identifier: Token) -> am.Atom: return am.Atom(str(identifier))
[docs] def integral(self, number: Token) -> am.Numeric: return am.Numeric(int(number))
[docs] def floating(self, number: Token) -> am.Numeric: return am.Numeric(float(number))
[docs] def fraction(self, number: Token) -> am.Numeric: return am.Numeric(Fraction(number))
[docs] def string(self, *values: Token) -> am.String: value = "".join(values) value = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)\\([^\"\\])", r"\g<1>", value) return am.String(value.strip("\""))
[docs] def s_expression(self, *expressions: am.Amalgam) -> am.SExpression: return am.SExpression(*expressions)
[docs] def vector(self, *expressions: am.Amalgam) -> am.Vector: return am.Vector(*expressions)
[docs] def quoted(self, expression: am.Amalgam) -> am.Quoted: return am.Quoted(expression)
[docs]class ParsingError(Exception): """ Base exception for errors during parsing. Attributes: line (:class:`int`): the line number nearest to the error column (:class:`int`): the column number nearest to the error """ def __init__(self, line: int, column: int): self.line = line self.column = column def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return f"near line {self.line}, column {self.column}"
[docs]class ExpectedEOF(ParsingError): """Raised when multiple expressions are found."""
[docs]class ExpectedExpression(ParsingError): """Raised when no expressions are found."""
[docs]class MissingClosing(ParsingError): """Raised on missing closing parentheses or brackets."""
[docs]class MissingOpening(ParsingError): """Raised on missing opening parentheses or brackets."""
ERROR_EXAMPLES = { ExpectedEOF: ("foo bar",), ExpectedExpression: ("",), MissingClosing: ( "(", "[", "(foo", "[foo", "(foo bar", "[foo bar", "\"foo", "\"foo bar", ), MissingOpening: (")", "]", "[foo bar)", "(foo bar]"), } EXPR_PARSER = Lark(GRAMMAR, parser="lalr", transformer=Expression())
[docs]class Parser: """ Class that serves as the frontend for parsing text. Attributes: parse_buffer (:class:`StringIO`): The text buffer used within :meth:`.Parser.repl_parse`. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.parse_buffer = StringIO()
[docs] def repl_parse(self, text: str) -> Optional[am.Amalgam]: """ Facilitates multi-line parsing for the REPL. Writes the given `text` string to the :attr:`parse_buffer` and attempts to parse `text`. If :class:`MissingClosing` is raised, returns `None` to allow for parsing to continue. If another subclass of :class:`ParsingError` is raised, clears the :attr:`parse_buffer` and re-raises the exception. Otherwise, if parsing succeeds, clears the :attr:`parse_buffer` and returns the parsed expression. """ self.parse_buffer.write(text) text = try: expr = self.parse(text) except MissingClosing: return None except (UnexpectedInput, ParsingError): self.parse_buffer = StringIO() raise else: self.parse_buffer = StringIO() return expr
[docs] def parse(self, text: str) -> am.Amalgam: """Facilitates regular parsing that can fail.""" try: return cast(am.Amalgam, EXPR_PARSER.parse(text)) except UnexpectedInput as u: exc_cls = u.match_examples( EXPR_PARSER.parse, ERROR_EXAMPLES.items(), ) if exc_cls is None: raise raise exc_cls(u.line, u.column) from None