Source code for amalgam.primordials

from fractions import Fraction
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import (
    cast, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar, Union

import amalgam.amalgams as am
import amalgam.engine as en
import amalgam.environment as ev

FUNCTIONS: Dict[str, am.Function] = {}

T = TypeVar("T", bound=am.Amalgam)

[docs]def _make_function( name: str, func: Callable[..., T] = None, defer: bool = False, contextual: bool = False, allows: Sequence[str] = None, ) -> Union[partial, Callable[..., T]]: """ Transforms a given function `func` into a `Function` and stores it inside of the `FUNCTIONS` mapping. """ if func is None: return partial( _make_function, name, defer=defer, contextual=contextual, allows=allows, ) if allows is None: allows = [] @wraps(func) def _func(env, *arguments, **keywords): with env.search_at(depth=-1): fns = [env[allow] for allow in allows] for fn in fns: cast(am.Function, fn).in_context = True result = func(env, *arguments, **keywords) for fn in fns: cast(am.Function, fn).in_context = False return result FUNCTIONS[name] = am.Function(name, _func, defer, contextual) return _func
[docs]@_make_function("+") def _add(_env: ev.Environment, *nums: am.Numeric) -> am.Numeric: """Returns the sum of :data:`nums`.""" return am.Numeric(sum(num.value for num in nums))
[docs]@_make_function("-") def _sub(_env: ev.Environment, *nums: am.Numeric) -> am.Numeric: """ Subtracts :data:`nums[0]` and the summation of :data:`nums[1:]`. """ x, *ns = (num.value for num in nums) y: Union[float, Fraction] = 0 for n in ns: y += n return am.Numeric(x - y)
[docs]@_make_function("*") def _mul(_env: ev.Environment, *nums: am.Numeric) -> am.Numeric: """Returns the product of :data:`nums`.""" prod: Union[float, Fraction] = 1 for num in nums: prod *= num.value return am.Numeric(prod)
[docs]@_make_function("/") def _div(_env: ev.Environment, *nums: am.Numeric) -> am.Numeric: """ Divides :data:`nums[0]` and the product of :data:`nums[1:]` """ x, *ns = (num.value for num in nums) y: Union[float, Fraction] = 1 for n in ns: y *= n return am.Numeric(x / y)
[docs]@_make_function("setn", defer=True) def _setn( env: ev.Environment, name: am.Quoted[am.Symbol], amalgam: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Binds :data:`name` to the evaluated :data:`amalgam` value in the immediate :data:`env` and returns that value. """ env[name.value.value] = amalgam.value.evaluate(env) return env[name.value.value]
[docs]@_make_function("fn", defer=True) def _fn( env: ev.Environment, args: am.Quoted[am.Vector[am.Symbol]], body: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Function: """ Creates an anonymous function using the provided arguments. Binds :data:`env` to the created :class:`.amalgams.Function` if a closure is formed. """ fn = am.create_fn("~lambda~", [arg.value for arg in args.value.vals], body.value) if env.parent is not None: fn.bind(env) return fn
[docs]@_make_function("mkfn", defer=True) def _mkfn( env: ev.Environment, name: am.Quoted[am.Symbol], args: am.Quoted[am.Vector[am.Symbol]], body: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Creates a named function using the provided arguments. Composes :func:`._fn` and :func:`._setn`. """ return _setn(env, name, am.Quoted(_fn(env, args, body).with_name(name.value.value)))
[docs]@_make_function("let", defer=True) def _let( env: ev.Environment, qpairs: am.Quoted[am.Vector[am.Vector]], body: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Creates temporary bindings of names to values specified in :data:`qpairs` before evaluating :data:`body`. """ names = [] values = [] for pos, pair in enumerate(qpairs.value.vals): if not isinstance(pair, am.Vector) or len(pair.vals) != 2: raise ValueError(f"{pair} at {pos} is not a pair") name, value = pair.vals if not isinstance(name, am.Symbol): raise TypeError(f"{name} at {pos} is not a symbol") names.append(name) values.append(value) return _fn(env, am.Quoted(am.Vector(*names)), body).call(env, *values)
[docs]@_make_function("bool") def _bool(_env: ev.Environment, expr: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Checks for the truthiness of an :data:`expr`.""" if expr == am.String(""): return am.Atom("FALSE") elif expr == am.Numeric(0): return am.Atom("FALSE") elif expr == am.Vector(): return am.Atom("FALSE") elif expr == am.Atom("FALSE"): return am.Atom("FALSE") elif expr == am.Atom("NIL"): return am.Atom("FALSE") return am.Atom("TRUE")
[docs]@_make_function(">") def _gt(_env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs a `greater than` comparison.""" if x > y: # type: ignore return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("<") def _lt(_env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs a `less than` comparison.""" if x < y: # type: ignore return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("=") def _eq(_env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs an `equals` comparison.""" if x == y: return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("/=") def _ne(_env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs a `not equals` comparison.""" if x != y: return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function(">=") def _ge(env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs a `greater than or equal` comparison.""" if x >= y: # type: ignore return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("<=") def _le(env: ev.Environment, x: am.Amalgam, y: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Performs a `less than or equal` comparison.""" if x <= y: # type: ignore return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("not") def _not(_env: ev.Environment, expr: am.Amalgam) -> am.Atom: """Checks and negates the truthiness of :data:`expr`.""" if _bool(_env, expr) == am.Atom("TRUE"): return am.Atom("FALSE") return am.Atom("TRUE")
[docs]@_make_function("and", defer=True) def _and(env: ev.Environment, *qexprs: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam]) -> am.Atom: """ Checks the truthiness of the evaluated :data:`qexprs` and performs an `and` operation. Short-circuits when :data:`:FALSE` is returned and does not evaluate subsequent expressions. """ for qexpr in qexprs: cond = _bool(env, qexpr.value.evaluate(env)) if cond == am.Atom("FALSE"): return cond return am.Atom("TRUE")
[docs]@_make_function("or", defer=True) def _or(env: ev.Environment, *qexprs: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam]) -> am.Atom: """ Checks the truthiness of the evaluated :data:`qexprs` and performs an `or` operation. Short-circuits when :data:`:TRUE` is returned and does not evaluate subsequent expressions. """ for qexpr in qexprs: cond = _bool(env, qexpr.value.evaluate(env)) if cond == am.Atom("TRUE"): return cond return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("if", defer=True) def _if( env: ev.Environment, qcond: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], qthen: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], qelse: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Checks the truthiness of the evaluated :data:`qcond`, evaluates and returns :data:`qthen` if :data:`:TRUE`, otherwise, evaluates and returns :data:`qelse`. """ cond = _bool(env, qcond.value.evaluate(env)) if cond == am.Atom("TRUE"): return qthen.value.evaluate(env) return qelse.value.evaluate(env)
[docs]@_make_function("cond", defer=True) def _cond(env: ev.Environment, *qpairs: am.Quoted[am.Vector[am.Amalgam]]) -> am.Amalgam: """ Traverses pairs of conditions and values. If the condition evaluates to :data:`:TRUE`, returns the value pair and short-circuits evaluation. If no conditions are met, :data:`:NIL` is returned. """ for qpair in qpairs: pred, expr = qpair.value.vals if _bool(env, pred.evaluate(env)) == am.Atom("TRUE"): return expr.evaluate(env) return am.Atom("NIL")
[docs]@_make_function("exit") def _exit(env: ev.Environment, exit_code: am.Numeric = am.Numeric(0)) -> am.Amalgam: """Exits the program with the given :data:`exit_code`.""" print("Goodbye.") sys.exit(int(exit_code.value))
[docs]@_make_function("print") def _print(_env: ev.Environment, amalgam: am.Amalgam) -> am.Amalgam: """Prints the provided :data:`amalgam` and returns it.""" print(amalgam) return amalgam
[docs]@_make_function("putstrln") def _putstrln(_env: ev.Environment, string: am.String) -> am.String: """Prints the provided :data:`string` and returns it.""" if not isinstance(string, am.String): raise TypeError("putstrln only accepts a string") print(string.value) return string
[docs]@_make_function("do", defer=True) def _do(env: ev.Environment, *qexprs: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam]) -> am.Amalgam: """ Evaluates a variadic amount of :data:`qexprs`, returning the final expression evaluated. """ accumulator = am.Atom("NIL") for qexpr in qexprs: accumulator = qexpr.value.evaluate(env) return accumulator
[docs]@_make_function("require") def _require(env: ev.Environment, module_name: am.String) -> am.Atom: """ Runs a given :data:`module_name` and imports the exposed symbols to the current :data:`env` with respect to the `~provides~` key created in :func:`._provide`. """ module_path = Path(module_name.value).absolute() with"r", encoding="UTF-8") as f: text = snapshot = env.bindings.copy() internal_engine = cast(am.Internal[en.Engine], env["~engine~"]) internal_engine.value.parse_and_run(text) if "~provides~" in env: symbols = cast(am.Vector[am.Symbol], env["~provides~"]) exports = {symbol.value for symbol in symbols.vals} changes = { name: env[name] for name in exports.intersection(env.bindings) } snapshot.update(changes) env.bindings = snapshot return am.Atom("NIL")
[docs]@_make_function("provide", defer=True) def _provide(env: ev.Environment, *qsymbols: am.Quoted[am.Symbol]) -> am.Atom: """Sets the `~provides~` key to be used in :func:`._require`.""" env["~provides~"] = am.Vector(*(qsymbol.value for qsymbol in qsymbols)) return am.Atom("NIL")
[docs]@_make_function("concat") def _concat(_env: ev.Environment, *strings: am.String) -> am.String: """Concatenates the given :data:`strings`.""" return am.String("".join(string.value for string in strings))
[docs]@_make_function("merge") def _merge(_env: ev.Environment, *vectors: am.Vector) -> am.Vector: """Merges the given :data:`vectors`.""" return am.Vector(*chain.from_iterable(vector.vals for vector in vectors))
[docs]@_make_function("slice") def _slice( _env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector, start: am.Numeric, stop: am.Numeric, step: am.Numeric = am.Numeric(1), ) -> am.Vector: """Returns a slice of the given :data:`vector`.""" return am.Vector(*vector.vals[start.value:stop.value:step.value])
[docs]@_make_function("at") def _at(_env: ev.Environment, index: am.Numeric, vector: am.Vector) -> am.Amalgam: """Indexes :data:`vector` with :data:`index`.""" return vector.vals[index.value]
[docs]@_make_function("remove") def _remove(_env: ev.Environment, index: am.Numeric, vector: am.Vector) -> am.Vector: """Removes an item in :data:`vector` using :data:`index`.""" vals = list(vector.vals) del vals[index.value] return am.Vector(*vals)
[docs]@_make_function("len") def _len(_env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector) -> am.Numeric: """Returns the length of a :data:`vector`.""" return am.Numeric(len(vector.vals))
[docs]@_make_function("cons") def _cons(_env: ev.Environment, amalgam: am.Amalgam, vector: am.Vector) -> am.Vector: """Preprends an :data:`amalgam` to :data:`vector`.""" return am.Vector(amalgam, *vector.vals)
[docs]@_make_function("snoc") def _snoc(_env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector, amalgam: am.Amalgam) -> am.Vector: """Appends an :data:`amalgam` to :data:`vector`.""" return am.Vector(*vector.vals, amalgam)
[docs]@_make_function("is-map") def _is_map(_env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector) -> am.Atom: """Verifies whether :data:`vector` is a mapping.""" if vector.mapping: return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("map-in") def _map_in(_env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector, atom: am.Atom) -> am.Atom: """Checks whether :data:`atom` is a member of :data:`vector`.""" if not vector.mapping: raise ValueError("the given vector is not a mapping") if atom.value in vector.mapping: return am.Atom("TRUE") return am.Atom("FALSE")
[docs]@_make_function("map-at") def _map_at(_env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector, atom: am.Atom) -> am.Amalgam: """Obtains the value bound to :data:`atom` in :data:`vector`.""" if not vector.mapping: raise ValueError("the given vector is not a mapping") return vector.mapping[atom.value]
[docs]@_make_function("map-up") def _map_up( _env: ev.Environment, vector: am.Vector, atom: am.Atom, amalgam: am.Amalgam, ) -> am.Vector: """ Updates the :data:`vector mapping with :data:`atom`, and :data:`amalgam`. """ if not vector.mapping: raise ValueError("the given vector is not a mapping") new_vector: am.Vector[am.Amalgam] = am.Vector() mapping = {**vector.mapping} mapping[atom.value] = amalgam vals: List[am.Amalgam] = [] for name, value in mapping.items(): vals += (am.Atom(name), value) new_vector.vals = tuple(vals) new_vector.mapping = mapping return new_vector
class _Return(NamedTuple): """Internal utility class for signalling a return value.""" return_value: am.Amalgam
[docs]@_make_function("return", contextual=True) def _return(env: ev.Environment, result: am.Amalgam) -> am.Internal: """Exits a context with a :data:`result`.""" return am.Internal(_Return(result))
[docs]@_make_function("break", contextual=True) def _break(env: ev.Environment) -> am.Internal: """Exits a loop with :data:`:NIL`.""" return am.Internal(_Return(am.Atom("NIL")))
[docs]@_make_function("loop", defer=True, allows=("break", "return")) def _loop(env: ev.Environment, *qexprs: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam]) -> am.Amalgam: """ Loops through and evaluates :data:`qexprs` indefinitely until a :data:`break` or :data:`return` is encountered. """ return_value = None while return_value is None: for qexpr in qexprs: result = qexpr.value.evaluate(env) if isinstance(result, am.Internal): if isinstance(result.value, _Return): # pragma: no branch return_value = result.value.return_value break return return_value
[docs]@_make_function("when", defer=True) def _when( env: ev.Environment, qcond: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], qbody: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Synonym for :func:`._if` that defaults :data:`qelse` to :data:`:NIL`. """ cond = _bool(env, qcond.value.evaluate(env)) if cond == am.Atom("TRUE"): return qbody.value.evaluate(env) return am.Atom("NIL")
[docs]@_make_function("eval") def _eval(env: ev.Environment, amalgam: am.Amalgam) -> am.Amalgam: """Evaluates a given :data:`amalgam`.""" if isinstance(amalgam, am.Quoted): amalgam = amalgam.value return amalgam.evaluate(env)
[docs]@_make_function("unquote") def _unquote(_env: ev.Environment, qamalgam: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam]) -> am.Amalgam: """Unquotes a given :data:`qamalgam`.""" if not isinstance(qamalgam, am.Quoted): raise TypeError("unquotable value provided") return qamalgam.value
[docs]@_make_function("setr", defer=True) def _setr( env: ev.Environment, qrname: am.Quoted[am.Symbol], qamalgam: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """ Attemps to resolve :data:`qrname` to a :class:`.amalgams.Symbol` and binds it to the evaluated :data:`qamalgam` in the immediate :data:`env`. """ rname = qrname.value.evaluate(env) if not isinstance(rname, am.Symbol): raise TypeError("could not resolve to a symbol") amalgam = qamalgam.value.evaluate(env) env[rname.value] = amalgam return amalgam
[docs]@_make_function("macro", defer=True) def _macro( env: ev.Environment, name: am.Quoted[am.Symbol], args: am.Quoted[am.Vector[am.Symbol]], body: am.Quoted[am.Amalgam], ) -> am.Amalgam: """Creates a named macro using the provided arguments.""" fn = am.create_fn( name.value.value, [arg.value for arg in args.value.vals], body.value, defer=True, ) if env.parent is not None: fn.bind(env) return _setn(env, name, am.Quoted(fn))